Distribution information

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Distributing EclipseCrossword

You may give EclipseCrossword to friends and co-workers if you would like; however, it is usually easier for them to simply install it themselves from the website. For distribution on a CD, another website, another server, etc., please contact us and get our approval first. The address for all inquiries is at the end of this page.

Distributing crossword puzzles

Crossword puzzles created with EclipseCrossword may be freely distributed in any form for non-profit, non-published use. This includes small-focus media such as private newsletters. For use in a newspaper or something similarly ‘large,’ please contact us and let us know how you are using EclipseCrossword. It will not cost you any money to do so, and we will even help you remove the “advertisements” on printed pages if you would like to.

Contact us:
